Dependency Container
In this document, you’ll learn what the dependency container is and how you can use it in Medusa.
What is Dependency Injection
Dependency Injection is the act of delivering the required resources to a class. These resources are the class’s dependencies. This is usually done by passing (or injecting) the dependencies in the constructor of the class.
Generally, all resources are registered in a container. Then, whenever a class depends on one of these resources, the system retrieves the resources from the container and injects them into the class’s constructor.
Medusa’s Dependency Container
Medusa uses a dependency container to register essential resources of your server. You can then access these resources in classes and endpoints using the dependency container.
For example, if you create a custom service, you can access any other service registered in Medusa in your service’s constructor. That includes Medusa’s core services, services defined in plugins, or other services that you create on your server.
You can load more than services in your Medusa server. You can load the Entity Manager, logger instance, and much more.
To manage dependency injections, Medusa uses Awilix. Awilix is an NPM package that implements dependency injection in Node.js projects.
When you run the Medusa server, a container of the type MedusaContainer
is created. This type extends the AwilixContainer object.
The server then registers all important resources in the container, which makes them accessible in classes and endpoints.
Registered Resources
The Medusa server scans the core Medusa package, plugins, and your files in the dist
directory and registers the following resources:

Many resources are registered under their camel-case name. These resources are formatted by taking the name of the file, transforming it to camel case, then appending the folder name to the name. So, the services/product.ts
service is registered as productService
Resource | Description | Registration Name |
Configurations | The configurations that are exported from medusa-config.js. |
Services | Services that extend the | Each service is registered under its camel-case name. For example, the |
Entity Manager | An instance of Typeorm’s Entity Manager. |
Logger | An instance of Medusa CLI’s logger. You can use it to log messages to the terminal. |
Single Payment Provider | An instance of every payment provider that extends the | Every payment provider is registered under two names:
All Payment Providers | An array of all payment providers that extend the |
Single Fulfillment Provider | An instance of every fulfillment provider that extends the | Every fulfillment provider is registered under two names:
All Fulfillment Providers | An array of all fulfillment providers that extend the |
Single Notification Provider | An instance of every notification provider that extends the | Every notification provider is registered under two names:
All Notification Providers | An array of all notification providers that extend the |
File Service | An instance of the class that extends the | The file service is registered under two names:
Search Service | An instance of the class that extends the | The search service is registered under two names:
Single Tax Provider | An instance of every tax provider that extends the | The tax provider is registered under two names:
All Tax Providers | An array of every tax provider that extends the |
Oauth Services | An instance of every service that extends the | Each Oauth Service is registered under its camel-case name followed by |
Feature Flag Router | An instance of the |
Redis | An instance of the Redis client. If Redis is not configured, a fake Redis client is registered. |
Single Entity | An instance of every entity. | Each entity is registered under its camel-case name followed by Model. For example, the |
All Entities | An array of all database entities that is passed to Typeorm when connecting to the database. |
Repositories | An instance of each repository. | Each repository is registered under its camel-case name. For example, |
Single Batch Job Strategy | An instance of every class extending the | Each batch job strategy is registered under three names:
All Batch Job Strategies | An array of all classes extending the |
Tax Calculation Strategy | An instance of the class implementing the |
Cart Completion Strategy | An instance of the class extending the |
Price Selection Strategy | An instance of the class implementing the |
Strategies | An instance of strategies that aren’t of the specific types mentioned above and that are under the | Its camel-case name. |
Loading Resources
This section covers how to load resources that the Medusa server registers when it starts running.
In Endpoints
To load resources, such as services, in endpoints, use the req.scope.resolve
function. The function receives the registration name of the resource as a parameter.
For example:
const logger = req.scope.resolve("logger")
Please note that in endpoints some resources, such as repositories, are not available.
In Classes
In classes such as services, strategies, or subscribers, you can load resources in the constructor function. The constructor receives an object of dependencies as a first parameter. Each dependency in the object should use the registration name of the resource that should be injected to the class.
For example:
import { OrderService } from "@medusajs/medusa"
class OrderSubscriber {
protected orderService: OrderService
constructor({ orderService }) {
this.orderService = orderService