Manage Order's Claims
In this document, you’ll learn what claims are, how to create them, and more.
If a customer receives a faulty or incorrect item(s) for an order they placed, you can create a claim to either refund or replace the item(s).
When a claim is created, you can choose whether the claim will be resolved through a refund or by replacing the item(s).
Create a Claim

If you create a claim of type Refund, a refund is issued to the customer right after the claim is created. Before you can create a claim for an order, you must capture the order’s payment, and create fulfillment in the order for the items included in the claim.
- Open the order details page.
- In the Timeline section, click on the
icon at the top right.
- Click on Register Claim in the dropdown.
- In the new window that opens:
- Choose the items you want to create the claim for. For each item you pick, you must select the reason for the claim:
- Click on the Select Reason button below the item.
- Choose the Reason from the options in the Reason field.
- Optionally add a Note or upload images as part of the reason.
- Click on the Add button.
- Choose the Shipping method to use to return the item.
- You can add a custom price for the shipping method by clicking on the Add custom price button.
- You can remove the custom price by clicking on the
icon next to the price.
- Choose whether the type of the claim is “Refund” or “Replace”. If you choose “Replace”:
- Choose the products you want to send to the customer by clicking Add Product and choosing the product you want to add.
- You can remove a product from the “items to send” list by clicking on the
- If you want to send the items to another address, click on “Ship to a different address” and fill out the shipping address info.
- Choose the Shipping Method that will be used to deliver the replacement items.
- If you don’t want the customer to receive an email that a claim has been created, uncheck the “Send notifications” checkbox.
- Choose the items you want to create the claim for. For each item you pick, you must select the reason for the claim:
- Once you’re done, click on the Complete button.
View Claim Details
To view an order’s claim details:
- Open the order details page.
- In the Timeline section, find the claim and click on the
icon at its right.
- Click on More Details in the dropdown.
Manage a Claim’s Returns
Receive a Claim’s Return
To mark a claim’s return as received:
- Open the order details page.
- In the Timeline section, find the return requested.
- Click on the Receive Return button.
- Check or uncheck the items that have been received.
- Click the Complete button.
Cancel a Claim’s Return

Canceling a return can’t be undone.
To cancel a return of a claim:
- Open the order details page.
- In the Timeline section, find the return requested and click on the
- Click on “Cancel return” in the dropdown.
Manage a Claim’s Fulfillments

This section only applies if the Claim’s type is Replace.
Create a Fulfillment for a Claim
You can create fulfillment for items in the claim that you are sending to the customer as a replacement. You can create more than one fulfillment, with each having at least one item.
To create a fulfillment for a claim:
- Open the order details page.
- In the Timeline section, find the claim and click on the
- Click on Fulfill Claim in the dropdown.
- In the window that opens:
- Choose the items you want to fulfill. You can change the quantity of the items you’re fulfilling using the
- Optionally add under Metadata any additional information that might be necessary for the fulfillment.
- If you don’t want the customer to receive an email that a fulfillment for the claim items has been created, uncheck the “Send notifications” checkbox.
- Choose the items you want to fulfill. You can change the quantity of the items you’re fulfilling using the
- Once you’re done, click on the Complete button.
Mark a Claim’s Fulfillment Shipped
To mark a claim’s fulfillment as shipped:
- Open the order details page.
- Scroll down to the Fulfillment section.
- Find the fulfillment you want to mark as shipped. A claim’s fulfillment’s title should be prefixed with “Claim fulfillment”.
- Click on the
icon next to it.
- Click on Mark Shipped in the dropdown.
- In the new window that opens:
- Enter a tracking number for the shipment.
- If you have more than one tracking number, click on the “Add Additional Tracking Number” to add more numbers.
- If you don’t want the customer to receive an email that the fulfillment has been shipped, uncheck the “Send notifications” checkbox.
- Once you’re done, click the Complete button.
Shipment details can be seen in the Timeline section.
Cancel a Claim’s Fulfillment

If you cancel a fulfillment, it can’t be reverted. Only a fulfillment that hasn’t been marked as shipped can be canceled.
To cancel a claim’s fulfillment:
- Open the order details page.
- Scroll down to the Fulfillment section.
- Find the fulfillment you want to cancel. A claim’s fulfillment’s title should be prefixed with “Claim fulfillment”.
- Click on the
icon next to it.
- Click on Cancel Fulfillment in the dropdown.
- Confirm canceling the fulfillment by clicking the “Yes, confirm” button in the pop-up.
Cancel a Claim
For Refund Claims
A claim of type Refund can be canceled by just canceling the return of the claim. However, the refund can not be reverted.
For Replace Claims

Canceling a claim can’t be undone. The return of the claim must be canceled before the claim itself is canceled.
To cancel a claim of type Replace:
- Open the order details page.
- In the Timeline section, find the claim and click on the
- Click on Cancel Claim in the dropdown.
- Confirm canceling the fulfillment by clicking the “Yes, remove” button in the pop-up.